Wednesday, September 29, 2010

sponsor 55 year old (for 24 months), who will race AMA motocross-supercross

I can go out on a limb, even further than normal...I can run (at least) middle of the pack in pro motocross IF given a "blank check"(big budget) for motocross racing (which is still going to be a drop in the bucket compared to formula 1, or even nascar...because I believe an athlete is an athlete, and MONEY is most important aspect in motorsports. I will be 55 years old in jan. 2011, and if given 2 years I can race AMA pro motocross (hard to believe, or impossible?), then put the money up to prove me will be amazed in a positive way (and you will get great marketing exposure out of the venture).
I have sponsorship packages that range from $900K USD for a 3 year budget to $595 million...not only will you have a 25% return on investment, but I will include the legal rights to my invention for alternative-renewable energy (and this invention should be worth billions of dollars in profit, not to mention cleaner air). ...  ... ...

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