Friday, October 1, 2010

Motocross Sponsorship...Pro Motocross Sponsorship for 57 year old racer ?

I need to really start generating some action, so I need someone to step up to the plate. I will go out on a limb (even more than normal) by making this challenge.
I will challenge an investor-sponsor, that if given a "blank check" (or at least a substantial budget for motocross, which is still a small amount compared to Formula 1 or even Nascar)...the challenge is that at 55 years old (this January), that in 2 years I will be racing AMA PRO MOTOCROSS, and be running at least middle of the pack. Don't believe me ? Put your money where your mouth is...or better yet, on a positive will be a lot of marketing exposure if I can do this !
The long-term goal of showing what I can do is to race Formula 1 ( Nascar or Top Fuel Drag Racing) at a world-class level, and to build a Christian ministry in the motorsport community (which obviously should include the fans).
The only stipulation that I require of the investor is to allow my own methods of training and race preparation. 
My racing background is in Pro-Level Motocross (even though it's been many years ago)...motocross is, by far, the most physically-demanding of all the motorsports...there is no form of racing that is even in the ballpark with motocross. I am not naive. I have "been there", but the missing ingredient has always been money, and it takes a lot of money ( completely out of the question for the average "hourly" worker in America ).
There are two parts to this investment (if you are interested in the second part). I have an invention for the SOLUTION of alternative-renewable energy. This invention is potentially worth Billions of dollars, and "if you have a very high level of funding" for a motorsport sponsorship, I will include all of the legal rights to this invention. This will eliminate (at least) 50% of the nations need for oil. It is not current solar or electric cars. It is not wind-related...the invention will be relatively easy to produce. The BIG problem other than finding an investor, is that the current "green" community really doesn't want a solution right now, they want to make money (green economy). My invention will put an end to most of these private organizations and government agencies) that have a financial (or career) interest in milking the green economy for decades...the last thing in the world that they want is ONE real solution in the next 2 years or less !

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